Tuesday, January 31, 2012

MOEdavey + Melodious Mike "Beauty Joints"

Can we just say that album collabs between one producer and one MC are just superior the throwing a bunch of different producers on an album? Yes, of course there are exceptions to this but generally I firmly believe it is true. I will offer you another dope collab right now and not only is it between a dope MC and producer but it also spans two continents with producer, MOEdavey hailing from Bristol, England and MC Melodious Mike from Montclair, New Jersey. What really separates this album from so many hip hop albums out there, is just how much fun it is, I think the last time an album was this much fun was Atmosphere's "Sad Clown Bad Summer 9." It isn't just the heavily jazz influenced beats of MOEdavey that bring you back to that 1988 sound but the free flowing voice and cadence of Melodious Mike. Everytime I listen to this album, my head nods, even when Melodious Mike drops a few bars a cappella. Now just because I characterize it as a "fun" album do not think it is all light and breezy topics or throwaway music. This is quality hip hop that will infect your mind and refuse to let go of your ears, so check it out and enjoy.

You can stream and download the album here.

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