Thursday, May 31, 2012

TeV95 "Crime Loops 3"

Not too long ago, I posted a video for TeV95's "Color Code Pistols" and stated that once it reached 2,000 views, he would drop Crime Loops 3. Well, shortly after I posted that (possibly even before) the video got the needed views and a few days later, TeV95 kept his word and unleashed his newest project on the world. The best part, Crime Loops 3 does not disappoint, in fact, it shines as it further investigates the concept of what are now stone age copyright laws. In a world where so much art (in all forms) is being created by altering previous works, artists have to decide whether it is more important to create what is in them and what they experience or make money. This leaves us with a world of starving artists and rich frauds, so it is time that we all examine what is truly art and what the laws should be. In the mean time sit back and take a journey through the world of Crime Loops 3 with your guide, TeV95.

You can stream and download the album here.

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